Thursday, February 14, 2008

The time I left to go Pirating.

William Robin walked into his room. A simple bed, A lamp stand, a desk... He heard a noise come from the other room. He slowly stepped inside and saw Hector Barbossa holding his gold coin. Will drew his sword and said, "I'd be putting that back if I were you." Barbossa put it around his neck and said, while drawing his own sword, "Well I'm not you now am I?" The fight that followed was a hard fight indeed. Every cut Will would throw Barbossa would parry, and every slash Barbossa would make Will would deflect. Young William soon realized that the only way to win was to catch him off guard. William sliced through the feather on Barbossa's hat then kicked him down and took back His Aztec necklace.

"That belongs to Jack.” said Barbossa. "I found it, besides Captain Sparrow is after immortality without a curse.” replied Will. "I meant this Jack." Said Hector as a little monkey jumped on his shoulder. "You can keep it else-ways. Ye beat me fair and square.” said the captain. Will then said,” I knocked you down. I cheated." "You fought fair by a pirate's rules.” replied Captain Barbossa.

"Why are you here? Do ye have a proposition for me?” asked William. "More of a Question to put to ye." replied Barbossa. "You're father." he paused for a moment. "You're father never wanted you to be a pirate. Until a few months ago. He asked me and Will and Jack ye." Will was shocked. "I'll come." he said firmly. "Great! We leave at nightfall." Will was ready. He had his three cornered hat, sword, knives, and his gun with enough spare shot to last him a month. The rode out in a small rowboat to the Black Pearl. There Will learned swordsmanship (the pirate way), how to fire and load all types of cannons and guns, how to board a ship, sail a ship, and pilage and/or plunder towns.

That training helped him to become what he is today.
~Captain William Robin of the good ship Golden Dawn~


Hannah Banana said...

Um, I think it was good but maybe you could read it a second time and make some

Render MoonArrow said...

you guys should right a book.

I would Read it.

Hannah Banana said...

Hm...I've tried that with Charity...ugh...didn't go so well. We lost the fire. Oops. Ciao...