Thursday, April 3, 2008

Story Part...what is this, 5? Yeah. 5

Part 5

{See Render’s blog “Searching”, otherwise it won’t make sense} I’m too lazy to do a good recap, so basically we now have two other ships that we…borrowed…and we’re trying to figure out what this stone does. Also Render looked in this book and got mad. Flint {Chair’s bro} is now traveling with them.
Ok, scene = Lunch on the Golden Dawn.
Enter Charity, Will, Flint, and Bonnie.

Bonnie looked at the faces around her. Will was eating his fish slowly, looking up at the siblings. Charity and Flint were not moving, not eating, hardly blinking even. They simply glared at each other. Charity’s wrist had healed very well {with some help from Render} but it didn’t even twitch to pick up her fork.

“Where’s Render?” asked Bonnie.

“His room,” replied Will. “He won’t come out. I don’t know why.” They looked at each other, then at the siblings. It felt awkward to eat in such silence. Five minutes passed. Bonnie half-raised a piece of fish to her mouth. She dropped her fork and stood up.

“Ok, you guys need to work this out! I’m going to leave you two here, and please, please, please talk things out, alright?” Neither of them said anything. Bonnie motioned to Will for them to leave. She grabbed her plate and followed him up the stairs. Once outside they could breathe again. “Will,” she said, “Can you talk to Render?”

“What do you mean?” he asked nervously.

“You know…talk to him. Have an intellectual discourse…Just ask him why he’s so upset,” she said, glancing briefly at the sky.

“Um…Render’s not quite that easy to get to…if you know what I mean. At this point no one knows what’s going on inside his head,” he said, looking down the deck to the door leading to the room Render was in.

“Can you try? Please? If the people on the ship aren’t having good chemistry, the whole thing will go down!” she said, taking a step back.

“Alright…hey, where are you going?” he called as she backed away.

“I’ve got a date with a fish and a book, and I can’t be late,” she said as she turned and walked into her room. Once inside she bit into her food hungrily and opened up the book she has acquired from Flint. Secrets of the Sea Volume 1: Items of Power: Myth or Reality? She opened the cover and flipped through the pages until she arrived at the page with “Delkanis Stone” written across the top. She began reading.

“The Delkanis Stone is a magical emerald that casts light where there is none and enables the possessor to have control of all minds within the area. It was found in 1735 by a sailor named Josephina Morgan, who was exploring some caves near the island Tugtour. Ignorant of its powers, she sold it on the black market to a man named Gerald Rail. It was he who discovered its powers and used them to become the greatest pirate the world has ever seen.”

Bonnie rolled her eyes and briefly turned the book over. The author was a person by the name of “Leman Rail”. They were probably brothers. That explained the glorious reputation. She murmured something about never hearing about this pirate herself and continued reading.

“Eventually Josephina learned of his wealth, fame, and fortune. She investigated and bribed some of his crew to tell her how this had come about. He had used the stone wisely in defeating foes and taking their plunder but he never revealed the secret of the stone to anyone except his first mate, whom she had bribed. She became angry and tried to steal it back. She was defeated, however, but managed to escape his rage. Josephina was not satisfied and soon began to foolishly tell everyone she knew. The word spread like fire and many conspiracies and groups arose from the empty ports, outraged. One lazy day, while Gerald was asleep in his cabin, one such group {the Thunder Sails} found his ship. They raided the ship, killing all in their way. The captain and the crew searched for the stone but never found it. However, they let one tiny child escape their gaze ~ Slyth Brandy. He was cabin boy for one of the ships in the Thunder Sails, and it was he who found the stone. He hid it and kept it with him, using it whenever he wanted. He soon grew into a powerful and greatly feared captain. Now, as the years continue, he continues to grow stronger. He still has the stone, but any attempts to steal it have always been thwarted.”

Bonnie thought this was the point where Chung has stolen it from him. Chung had been murdered that night Will, Charity, and Bonnie had been on land. They had always heard tale of such a stone but never believed it, and if they did they had long forgotten about it when they actually acquired it. Chung had something valuable on board ~ the only thing he had stolen from a loaded ship. Will had managed to discover it was the stone and take it and then they were off to discover what it was. She walked over to the window and sighed. She picked up the book again, pacing as she read.

“The stone itself is an emerald shaped like an olive that glows in the dark. It is activated simply by holding it and thinking a command that everyone within 100 yards will obey. The only known counter to its magical spell is salt.” Bonnie thought this rather odd and wondered how that worked exactly. There was nothing else on the Delkanis stone except for a few paragraphs, which she skimmed briefly. She got up, left the book on her bed, and went outside. Will was standing near the side of the ship, leaning over the railing.

He shouted to something down there, “TALK TO HIM!” Bonnie’s eyebrows grew closer together and she walked behind him, peeking over the edge. Ancalagon was swimming there, tossing and turning in the waves. He flicked his head back.

“I don’t know!” yelled Will, “Through the window, maybe! Just back me up on this one!” Bonnie tapped his shoulder. He turned quickly. She raised her eyebrows.
“He didn’t say anything to me,” Will said, walking down the deck, frustrated.

“Nothing about being from another world?” she prompted, following him.

“I don’t know! He wouldn’t speak! He’s just…burning things…I think it’s best if we let him simmer for a while and when he’s ready he’ll explain everything…I hope,” Will said, stopping.

“Oh…I’m sorry,” Bonnie said simply. He shrugged.

“He’ll come to,” he said. She nodded and he walked off. She decided to tell Charity it was almost time for dinner. She walked down to the room she had left the siblings in. She could hear shouting and the sound of something falling to the ground. She opened the door.

Charity was standing on the table, a candlestick raised above her head. Her hair had come undone and her face was red. Flint was cowering on the ground, holding a chair in front of his face. He too was flustered. They immediately fell silent, pausing to look at her as if her hair was purple.

“Dinner’s in ten minutes,” she said, then shut the door. She took a step then stopped, turned toward the door, thought for a moment, then shrugged and walked away. She met Will again on the deck.

“I don’t see why he’s so upset,” Will said, speaking of Render.

“Yeah, neither can I,” agreed Bonnie, “I mean, so what if he is from the past of another world? It’s not that big of a deal. Just the fact that he is now millions of miles from home, family, and all he holds dear with no way of returning and nothing except Ancalagon and the clothes on his back to remind him he is from another world that possibly doesn’t exist, not to mention the culture change and the emotional shock he must be feeling…He has no reason to be this upset.” Will gave her a blank look. “Ok…so maybe he has the right to be a little moody…” Will sighed. “I think I’m going to go help with dinner,” she said.

“No!” Will exclaimed. “Remember last time you tried to ‘help’ with dinner?” he asked quickly. She blushed.

“That was only once; I didn’t know fire could spread that quickly, and it was a small boat anyway! This one is much nicer,” she said.

“Which is why I’ll help with dinner,” he concluded.

She suppressed a smile and said, “Fine. But you’ll need to get some beans from below the deck.” He nodded and walked away. Thirty minutes later Charity and Flint came out of the room, their arms around each other’s shoulder. They were both grinning. Charity walked with Bonnie to the other side of the ship.

“Bonnie,” she started, but Bonnie held up a hand and said, “As long as you’re cool.” They hugged. Charity looked around as Flint joined them.

“Where’s Will?” she asked. Bonnie’s face grew serious.

“He was getting some food, but it shouldn’t take this long to get it. Something must be wrong.” Her stomach flipped over. Render suddenly threw open his door and motioned for them to follow.

Before they could say anything he muttered, “Will’s in trouble. Hurry!” They grabbed their weapons and wordlessly followed him. As they went down the air around them became cooler and darker. They came to a large door and Render threw it open. Charity gasped. Will was being strangled by…Slyth Brandy!

~ Captain Bonnie Spinner

{See Render’s blog for the next part}
Read me! I'm the next chapter!


Render MoonArrow said...

It was


I liked it very much.

Next Chapter is Ready come take a look.

Bonnie: I've been keeping a record of our Stories on Microsoft Word and it is so awesome to read.

maybe some day we can publish it.

you should do the same.
just combined both our stories together and ya get a whole story.

so far the story reaches 12,990 words, 28 pages and 8 chapters long.


is that cool or what!!!

Sam Wick said...

Sweet!! Baladon thinks you are...FLIPPING AWSOME!!!!! And he will not torch you.

Hannah Banana said...

Who, me? Thanks. I too have been keeping a record.