Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Disapointment: Yes it STINKS!!!

Hey it's Chair......ity.
Yea!! I'm blogging again. Sorry about that, I go through non-blogging periods every once in a while. Anyhoo, I never got to eat that German Chocolate Cake. :( Why? Well I went to get my sister's highchair from out of our car. Nothing is going to happen right? WRONG. When I opened the trunk of our car the cake fell out onto the concrete. The cake was also in my mother's ONLY 9 inch by 13 inch glass pan. There was alot of glass and I managed to cut myself once. It wasn't bad. My brother didn't even have to do first aid. I'm gonna miss that cake. It was good. And yes there was no salvaging any of it. It was a big mush pile of chocolate and coconut on the concrete. Sadness. What a waste of cake. Oh well. I still want that Shirley Temple though!!
~Charity ;P


Hannah Banana said...

Psh, "once in a while" ? You hadn't blogged since Christmas!!!! *GASP* WHAT?!?! *crying over loss of cake* I'm so sorry. Hey...that seems familiar...*deshavou of dropping the spagetti from the fridge* Anyway, I'm sorry you didn't get any cake.

Render MoonArrow said...

That.. is the saddest thing... *Sniff*

I think I'm going to...*Sniff* to ... CRY!!!!

*Cries Terribly*

Ok I'm done.

did ya lick the mess clean?

Wait that would be painful.

*Imagining What Licking Glass infested chocolate mess of of concrete would be like*



It's ok Chair. we'll make a brand new one out of Mud.

it will be just as good.

(second Personality kicking in)

2= Second Personality 1= Render

2: no it won't

1: your right

2: of coarse I'm right I'm always right

1: no your not!

2: oh ya!

1. Ya!

2: Oh Yaaaa!

1: YAAA!!

2: ok

1: what?!?!?!? that's it?

2: ya pretty much.

1: man your weird.

2: I'm weird? no, your the one with the multiple personality!

1: I don't have a multiple personality This comment is just good timing

2: ya? why?

1: Cuz this Post includes Chocolate German Cake and Breaking Glass.

3: Did someone say Chocolate Cake?

1: 3 you get back in your room!!!

1: sorry about that I kind of Had a melt down.

That Crazy Dragon Rider.

~Render Moonarrow~

Render MoonArrow said...

Do not frightend about Render He is going to bed Now

Render's second Personality.

Render MoonArrow said...

Render: don't BE frightened ya Nit!!!

2: Sorry Render

It's ok 2. someday you shall be a scholar.

2 is not very good at righting comments

please excuse him today.

Hannah Banana said...

*laughing, quietly* My my, we do have very interesting friends. *continues laughing*

Sam Wick said...


Hannah Banana said...

Heehee. I've broken more than that. A glass lid?

Sugar_Pea said...

*Remembering spaghetti incident...shudder* Oh that brings back memories. Hey Render, tell your third personality hello. Sounds like he doesn't get out much.

Hannah Banana said...

Ah. Yes. Of course you remember. You're so handy, picking up glass with such speed and accuracy! Yeah, how many personalities do you have? Do you have...*looks around to make sure coast is clear* ...an evil twin?

Render MoonArrow said...


but I have four mischiefing brothers!


put that down.

3 gets violent when let out of his room.

Hannah Banana said...

Hm. Let out of his room? Implying that he doesn't get out much or that he needs to chill?