Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Dude, so I have been invited to la Pirate blog!


Me is so excited!

I guess I should post la next Pirate ch here when it's done, right?

~The Silhouette 


The Pirate Bretheren said...

*Is testing la Comment emailer. . .*

Hannah Banana said...


Hannah Banana said...

Yes, post the chapter here when you're done. I'm working on posting a list of links to all the chapters from this series on, so that'll be up soon hopefully.

The Pirate Bretheren said...


How long did yo spend on this linking thingie-mujig?

Hannah Banana said...

um...a while...why? Is there something i need to fix?

The Pirate Bretheren said...

No. . .

There was nothing wrong with copying and pasting them onto the Pirate blog. . .

I Just hope you didn't spend yer whole day on this. . . or a number of days. . .

Hannah Banana said...

It thought it might be nice to just like click on it instead of flipping through endless pages, navigating through three blogs, and trying to find which post goes first and all that...

Figured it would be easier to just have them all together and in order.

The Pirate Bretheren said...

Sure, if that's what yo think. . .

Ch is being ironed. . .

And it need an end setting. . .

Maybe a tie-in. . .

The Pirate Bretheren said...

Well. . .It has a primary tie-in but I no type dat part yet. . .

The Pirate Bretheren said...

I need to think of a secondary tie-out. . .

Dat what. . . .

Hannah Banana said...

*rubs hands together*
I only understood 3/4 of what you said...and yet, *eager smile* I can't wait.