Friday, April 11, 2008

Part 11

Part 11
A short chapter, because all good stories need one.

I think. I think this is part 11……not quite sure….Maybe I should go back and read Render’s post “Chapter 10”…as should you. Cuz I’m done doin’ recaps. I mean it. I’m through. You just gotta read de stuff and do de work…and why am I talking like this? Ok, ok. So … here we go. Warning: If you have not read Render’s “Chapter 10” this is a spoiler! BAD! Go to read it now…shoo fly, don’t bother me…Ok, I’m going to shut up now so you can read. Here you go:

Charity grabbed a tree root and dove into the quicksand to save her sinking brother, Flint. See? I told you there are spoilers. Render, Will, and Bonnie stood nearby, watching with baited breath. They couldn’t see the siblings and therefore were afraid to try to help them with magic. Seconds ticked by. Nothing stirred under the surface of the sand. The root was slacked and did not tighten. Will looked around and moved a vine over the sinking sand. Just then the line tightened and the two siblings came out, covered in sand and gasping for breath. Everyone rushed to their aid as soon as they were clear of the sand while Render and Will magically cleaned the sand off of them.

When they were breathing normally, Charity said to Flint, “Please…try to be more careful.”

“I’m sorry…I should have paid more attention,” he said, avoiding her eyes.

“I just can’t bear the thought of loosing you,” she said quickly. The siblings hugged. Bonnie smiled. They continued on their journey through the rough and burned lands of Alagasia. They had to travel through a desert and then a forest in order to get to Elismera. It would take a week or two at least. As the days wore on they noticed the ground was cracked and barren. There were no trees or grass. As more time passed, the friends began to settle into regular habits. Charity would read as she walked, continually feeding her mind. Flint and Will talked and laughed when they walked or occasionally fought, showing off their weapons. Bonnie experimented with mind reading and speaking, which she had been interested in when Miya hatched, occasionally getting tips from Render. Render led the way, looking at all the changes and differences from when he had last been to Alagasia, occasionally talking or practicing magic.

They all enjoyed the end of the day most. Usually when the sun sank down into the horizon and the sky turned shades of purple and gold, they made camp for the night. This was when they would get into groups and spar. This was what they all looked forward too. Their blades would be blunted and they would fight to keep their skills up, and best of all there were no rules. After this they would settle down with stories and if they felt very safe they would make music. Render and Will would play their instruments {penny whistle and guitar}, Bonnie would sing, and Charity would dance as Flint tried to chase her and trip her. Both siblings had quick feet and fluid movements and they entertained their friends as they danced and chased each other. At night they all took turns watching. Bonnie was always the last one asleep and the last one awake in the morning; Charity was the exact opposite, always the first asleep and the first one up. Flint and Will were the loudest snorers. Render usually kept watch, switching whenever one of them woke.
The second day of their journey started out peacefully. Charity woke and watched a pale mist rising from the ground. It was almost nice, but the earth was red and cracked. She wrinkled her nose. Everyone was up but Bonnie. She nudged her friend, who let out a grunt.

“Morning,” she said to the lump inside a sleeping bag. She continued nudging her then gave up and started jumping on her stubborn friend, who ignored her. Will and Flint were packing up and Render had just gotten back from his usual scout of the surrounding area, always making sure there were no shades nearby. Will and Flint exchanged glances with Charity, slow smiles spreading on their faces.

Bonnie’s eyes opened as cold water drenched her. She leapt up angrily, willing to tackle the culprit. She chased after the boys, who were trying to get rid of a large {and now empty} bucket. A few minutes later they were all ready to go and they set off on the path leading to Elismera. Miya, Ancalagon, and Baladon flew over head but they stayed rather low, not trusting the empty skies. Miya got a bit tired and chose to ride in Bonnie’s hollow. A hollow is a magically enlarged pocket that never bulges or lumps though it can contain as much as a small child. The middle of the day approached quickly and they began to debate the possibility of taking a quick rest.

They kept on the dry path, Render leading, followed by Chair and Flint, with Will and Bonnie bringing up the rear. Flint and Will thought they saw something but the girls shook their heads and walked past them, placing them behind the others. Bonnie had been exploring the area mentally as she always did when she felt a dark presence nearby. She opened her mouth to tell Render. He had stopped and was holding up a hand, listening to something no one else could hear.

“Run!” he said suddenly. The earth shook. They bolted down the path, trying very hard not to trip over the cracks. Flint gasped as the earth below them started cracking open. All around them, huge crevices opened up, revealing large, gaping black holes. They ran faster and faster, the ground shaking underneath them. When one of them fell the others helped him or her up and continued running. Then a large rumble broke the earth right in front of them and a gaping hole began to grow. Render cleared it with one jump. Charity, right behind him, jumped and made it. It grew larger. Bonnie jumped and got across. Flint and Will, who had fallen behind, hardly had time to slow down and take stock.

“Hurry!” their friends called as the crack grew larger still. They had stopped and were waiting for the two boys. Flint and Will ran harder. The crack opened up before them as they flew through the air. Their friends reached out and made sure they made it to the other side.

They took a rest from running as the ground began to settle down and its trembling had subsided. Render suspected a shade was nearby and had been playing with the weather. The clouds darkened and grew close together. Rain fell down with an alarmingly hard force. They pulled their hoods over their faces and pressed on.

Soon they arrived at the foot of some rather large hills. The hills were boney and dry with great slabs of rock protruding from their sides, a very unwelcoming sight to the travelers. They began the long trek up the hills. The rain came down so rapidly that they could hardly see through the veils of grey surrounding them.

“We have to turn around,” shouted Charity to Render, a few feet away. She was scarcely heard above the thunder. Her hair had darkened and her small face was framed with the dark locks, so different from her normally dry blonde hue. Render had somehow managed to stay dry, as had Will. Bonnie, Charity, and Flint were drenched through and through, shivering slightly because it was cold and the wind was blowing. They clung to the rock.

“We can’t turn back now. It’ll only get worse,” he called back. Will took a step forward. His foot slipped and he slid down the rock face, yelling loudly. Rocks tumbled down, following his path. He managed to stop himself with magic and Render moved the boulders. Flint cautiously walked down after him, hurrying but trying not to slide himself. He came to a skidding halt when he reached his friend and he knelt down beside him. Will’s face was riddled with pain and he was clutching his left leg tightly. His eyes were closed and he murmured a few phrases under his breath, his face looking as if he had tasted something horribly sour. Charity joined her brother, quickly followed by Bonnie and Render.

“Let me see,” said Charity. Will winced and let go of his leg. The blood had now soaked through his pants and gotten all over his hand. Charity made a face at the sight of blood. She was always a little squeamish when it came to things like this, but she was a good nurse because she read so many books, some of which had medical tips. She tore her sleeve and wrapped his leg.

“And herbs?” she asked. Flint shook his head and said they had very few supplies left.

“I could look for some when we stop,” said Render. “Some plants can live on rocky surfaces if their roots are deep enough.” They were all tired. Both Render and Will were too weary to heal him with magic, and even that would take time. Flint looked around and pointed out to Render that there was a rock ledge nearby. They dragged Will over there and made camp under the rocky cliff for the night.

Flint made a fire and helped set up camp. Will slept. Bonnie got out the sleeping bags and sat on hers, resting her back against the rock and watching the rain fall. Charity stirred a pot over the fire, cooking something that smelled wonderful. Render walked away from their camp site and found a tiny patch of grass growing between some of the boulders. He recognized them as healing plants, and with the rain still pouring down on him, he took out his knife and started cutting the roots from the ground. His only thoughts were on Will and he was caught off guard when cold metal rested against his neck.
He froze and a voice whispered in his ear, “What’s this? An elf off his guard?”
~ Captain Bonnie Spinner
Read this next chapter: Leviticus and the Duel of Greatness


Render MoonArrow said...

that was good.

short but we got somewhere.

I'm not sure if the next character should be Cless or Levi.

what do you think?

my next post will be about our time so far.


That Silly Elf ;P

~Render Moonarrow~

ps: Levi says Hello Nerds.

Hannah Banana said...


Hannah Banana said...

Thank you. I honestly don't who comes first; the chicken or the egg. You decide, but I'm excited they'll be coming and getting in on the action. The only problem we might run into is it might become to crowded... Yeah, I can't wait for your next post! Hey Levi! And for the last time, I'm a DORK!!!! Arg!

Render MoonArrow said...


we really need to talk about the Dork thing.

Bonnie as a Girl and a Christian you should not need or want to be called a Dork.

trust me. being a Dork is a Bad thing. nothing funny or cool.

I'm just saying this as a friend. not as a rude remark. but it is true.

so we need to find out something else we can call you.

I already called you crazy and a nerd.

and believe me when I say "it would be better to be called a nerd then a Dork."


you have to trust me on this one. I find it really uncomfortable calling you a Dork.


that silly elf looking out for you.

~Render Moonarrow~

Hannah Banana said...

*guessing dork has a secret meaning* Ok...

Hannah Banana said...

Ok, if it means something bad I'll stop and trust you on this. I didn't know it meant anything other than nerd.

Hannah Banana said...

Sorry. Forgive my ignorance.

Render MoonArrow said...


there is nothing to forgive.

I'll post about today soon.



Sam Wick said...

Hmm. A bit like LOTR????

Hannah Banana said...

*Shrug* Someone referenced giants throwing boulders in the mountains, like in the hobbit...